Tata is going to build iphone

In Apple history, first time the Indian company will manufactured Apple iphone.  

Then the iphone price will be reduce in the India. 

On 9th Sep 2022 bloom berg had reported that Wistron and TATA will manufacture iphone in the India. If this deal will final then the tata will become first Indian iphone manufacturer. After 20 days Apple has announced that iphone will manufacture in the India. Apple had not announced that in the India who will manufacture to the Iphone.

First we know that how will affect to iphone price in the India but, first we will discuss that how manufacture Apple Iphone. 
So, all the Iphones are designed by Apple Corporation in California but, not the manufactured. All over the world Pagatron, Foxtronn, wistron Companies are manufacture to iphone. All this companys are Taiwan Compainies. And china has claimed to Taiwan. 

So that's why majority iphone tagged by made in china, but now this tag will changed to made in India. In 2017 foxconn had established iphone manufcature plant to bangluru, then the wistron and pagatron had established iphone manufacture plan in India. 

But we show that major iphones are not manufactured in India like pro model. That means old device like iphone 11, iphone 12 and iphone 13 are assembling in India. But, why still Old iphone price is very high? well there are some reason behind this. Let's discuss. 

That we know only old models are assembling so, there are import duty applied to iphone + 18% GST. And all this duties charge and GST are pass on end user means Consumer. That is the main reason that iphone are very costly in India. 

Production linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) For Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing 
The scheme shall extend an Incentive from 4% to 6% on incremental sales (over base year) of good manufactured in India and covered under target segments, to eligible companies, for a period of five (5) years subsequent to the base year as defined. 

That is the main reason to high price of apple is that apple still all benifets are not passing to consumer. 

If all parts are manufacture in India then price will drop of all iphone like china. Major parts are manufactured in china that is the main reason that china and USA iphone has no very price different. 

As per bloomberg report "If successful, the pact could make Tata the first Indian Company to build iphones, which are mainly assembling in Taiwan that is Iphone body parts", then the import duty will reduce and manufacturing cost will get reduced and then more chance to get reduce price of iphone. 

Then not only for iphone buyers are benificial but the impect will on India Economy like New jobs, Taxes, GDP growth. 

What is the current Status of this deal? 
This deal is still inti negotiation. Because there is no any commented by TATA or wistron. 

Benifits will be, If Iphone will manufactured in India. 

Good Relation with Taiwan 
Low cost Iphone 
Boost to Indian Economy 
Made in India tagged to iphone 
India will hightech country 
